Ultima modifica: 19 Ottobre 2019

COOL Newsletter Autumn 2019

COOL a project in the Pools family.

Cool (Clil Open Online Learning) is developing a web3 service where a teacher can paste in text, select the language of the text, add graphics and video, create or attach language exercises/assignments and then automatically create an online webpage with all words linked to free dictionaries in +100 languages.

The teachers access to Clilstore will be simplified so the present database look will be replaced with easier/intuitive choices. The students access will likewise be simplified, e.g. the first step for a newcomer will be to select language and level thus avoiding having to browse through thousands of units in many languages.

All the COOL outcomes are free to use (Copyleft)



The COOL project teams presented the project objectives and work at the Eurocal conference in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium · 28-31 August 2019 with two presentations:

  • CALL for CLIL: Investigating the adoption of learning technology designed for CLIL Teachers. — Caoimhín Ó Dónaill
  • A Practical Application of Content and Language Integrated Learning — Kent Andersen

Kent Andersen presented a DIY guide to authoring Clilstore units, Download the guide: www.languages.dk/docs/DIY-2019Clilstore.ppt



The project teams met in Milan in September to continue the work on Clilstore facilities: The main focus was on the proposed web3 facilities and how to best integrate with different social media.
The COOL will be presented with two roundtable presentations during the EfVET 2019 conference by Kent Andersen: It will be demonstrated how a teacher in a few minutes can create online units in the new Clilstore, see an example/ appetizer of how Clilstore has been used in a class https://youtu.be/t9sAr6f2aLA.

The presentation will share experiences learned from combining CLIL scaffolding as part of content teaching to cater for students  (e.g. with an immigrant background) finding abstract vocabulary a barrier to understanding the content.

More information on:
Safety4El: www.safety4el.net/
COOL: www.languages.dk
Clilstore: www.multidict.net



Visitors to the Clilstore may arrive at this page www.multidict.net which (in October 2019) has four options. If you choose to enter as a student the system will offer you to register or continue as a guest



The Italian project partner, LSSEV has been working to increase the number of teachers, students and families involved in the project.
A newsletter has been sent to all teachers (about 90) to explain the purpose of the project in a more detailed way and to report on the job done by the team in the latest months.
Through the newsletter teachers have also received information by the Cool Italian team and the headteacher about discussions and decisions made during the Valencia, Skye and Milan meetings.
LSSEV hosted the third meeting, from 16th to 17th September, trying to warmly welcome the foreign partners as in the Italian tradition.


At the end of the meeting a group of teachers had the opportunity to learn how to create Clilstore units and web.3 exercises  thanks to the course held by Prof. Roberta Basarbolieva from ETI, Malta.
The newsletter written by the members of the Italian team has been sent to students and their families too. It has reached around 1500 people making the advantages of the Cool project for students clear.
At the entrance of the school a monitor shows to everyone, occasional visitors included, the most significant recent events.
The images from the meeting and successive work have been shown for two weeks so that the whole school community and stakeholders could be informed about the visit of the foreign delegation and the intense activity going on.



Ongoing improvements


Students are invited to register, which will let them store list of the words they have clicked in different units, this can be used for vocabulary training.



After logging in the student can click on “My vocabulary” to see lists of words that have been looked up in dictionaries



A sample vocabulary list, if the user clicks on e.g. “chart” the work will be looked up again and the u
ser can enter the meaning, so it’s ready for vocabulary training:



Another new feature is that we are working on preparing share links to social media (e.g. Facebook and Twitter), but we are still in the testing phase, so please have patience;-)

If you have used Clilstore and its Multidict facility you may now experience that we have set a basic version of Multidict to be the default option:

but you can just click “advanced to get the full version of the dictionary interface: